понеділок, 5 жовтня 2020 р.

Завдання з англійської мови для 2-Д класу -Topic: School Life

      Topic: School Life 

    1 Read as quickly as you can. / Прочитай швидко як можеш

     [ı:] green, a green pen - green pens, a green car- green cars. It’s a green park. It’s a big green pencil.
     [k] black, a black duck — black ducks. Are the ducks black? Yes, they are black. Are the cats black? No, they aren't black. Are the pens black? No, they aren't. Is the cat black? Yes, it is. Is his cat black? No, it isn't. Is the dog black? No, it isn't.
    [eı] grey, a grey kitten – seven grey kittens. Are the kittens black or grey? They are grey. Is your kitten grey ? Yes, it is. Her kitten is grey. 
    [ı] pink, a pink bag - pink bags, a pink crayon – pink crayons. It’s а pink rubber. Is it a pink rubber?-Yes, it is. Is it a pink doll? No, it isn’t. 
    [j] yellow, a yellow desk-yellow desks, a big yellow desk – big yellow desks. Are they yellow ? Yes, they are.
     [ e] red, a red pencil - red pencils, a big red pencil – big red pencils. It is a red pencil. Is it a red car? Yes, it is.
     [ ju:] pupil a pupil, I am a pupil. Is she a pupil? No, she isn't a pupil. Is he a pupil? Yes, he is a pupil.

    2 Read the text. / Прочитай текст

    Tom is from Britain. He is a pupil.This is his bag. The bag is green.The pen is orange. The rubber is blue. Tom likes books. He likes to go to school too. He has got a dog and two cats. The dog is grey. The cats are brown. Tom likes to play with his pets. The dog likes to jump, to run and to swim

    3 Find the correct answer/ Знайди правильну відповідь

    1 … is from Britain.
     a) Tom b) Bob c)Ted 
    2 The bag is … 
    a) red b) green c) pink 
    3 He has got a dog and …
     a) two insects b) seven rabbits c) two cats 
    4 Tom likes to …with his pets
     a) write b) play c) read
    4. Watch the video

    5. Look and fill in

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