Дистанційне навчання 4- Д English


 Wednesday, the fifth of May

Тема: Їжа.
Фонетична зарядка:

Read: Прочитай:
Vegetable    cabbage    judge    gentle
Сьогодні повторимо назви овочів:
-          Cucumber- Огірок(кюкамбе)
-          Tomato-Помідор(томатоу)
-          Cabbage-Капуста(кебідж)
-          Potato-Картопля (потейтоу)
-          Onoin-Цибуля(аніон)
-          Carrot-Морква(керот)
-          Beans-Квасоля(бінз)
-          Peas-Горох(піз)
-          Pumpkin-Гарбуз(пампкін)

Read, translate: Прочитай,переклади.
Learn new words: Вивчи нові слова:
Vegetable –овоч (веджетабл)
useful –корисний (юсфул)
should-слід (шуд)
beautiful-красивий (бютифул)
healthy- здоровий(хелсі)(с через зуби)
All vegetables are very useful. You should eat much vegetables every day. You can eat salads with tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and onions or eat a carrot for lunch. Many people like borshch with all these vegetables. They make us strong, beautiful and healthy.
What vegetables do you like?
Do the exercise: Зроби вправу:https://www.liveworksheets.com/de173592zc
6.05.2021 English

Thursday , the sixth of May

Theme:My Day

Today we are going to continue practice the sound [b]

Read: Прочитай:
Big  bib  bat  bob  bite  bike  bean  beam  bead 

Read the text. Прочитай:
Learn new words: Вивчи нові слова:
get u-вставати
breakfast -сніданок
usually-зазвичай (южелі)

 supper -вечеря
walk- прогулянка (вок)
My school day.
I usually get up at six o’clock and make my bed. After I wash my face and clean my teeth. Then my family and I have breakfast. My lessons begin at eight o’clock. I have ten lessons a day, because I have two programs at school. I have my dinner at school. I come back home at six o’clock. I have my supper. Then I do my homework. In the evening I usually watch TV, play computer games, read books or go for a walk with my friends.

Fill in the missing letter. Впиши пропущені букви.
Sch…ol, st…dy, g…t up, p…pil, wa…h, m…ke b…d, di…ner, sup…er, bre…kfast, cl…ss

Finish the sentences. Закінчи речення
I usually get up at…
I wash my face and….
 Then my family and I …
My lessons begin at …
I have…; lessons a day, because I have two… at school.
 I have my …at school.
 I come back home at …

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