четвер, 26 березня 2020 р.

Картинки по запросу "hello pictures"
Pace Work 4-D                                                         
Тема:  Семантизація лексики із буквосполученням ng.
T: In this lesson we will learn about the words with ng.

Look at the video

T: Let’s review the sound [æ ]
1.has, pan, cat,  bat, rat, fan, plan,  rabbit;
2.had, map, add, hat, tap, as, tap, fat;
3.bag, jam, fat, cap, man, had, at, animals;
4.A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.
5.Grandma sat patting the black cat she had on her lap.
6.Can a canner can-can.
    Make up the sentences with these words.
T: Letters n and g make sound [ n].
T: repeat the words :
A ring
To bring

An offering
T: translate the words according to their meanings.
A ring – means a bell sound.
During – means through all the time.
To bring – means to come with something.
Morning – means the early part of the day.
An offering – means a gift.
Well done!

T: Remember as many words with ng as you can.

Thank You ! 

Thank You ! 

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