субота, 4 квітня 2020 р.

Stickman Illustration Of A Group Of Preschool Kids Holding Blank ...
06.04.2020. Дистанційне навчання для 4 класу Pace work
Тема: Віднімання двоцифрових чисел від трицифрових.
Look at the video

 Review the sound [ f ]. Repeat all together.
A flag
A flat
A frog
A farmer
Make up the sentences with these words.
The Ukrainian flag.
A comfortable flat….
Повторення математичних термінів.
  what does it mean to subtract?
     Spell please: minus, equal, numbers.
       What is one-numeral numbers?
        What is two-numeral numbers?
Виконання вправ
Let’s do sums. Check your answers by the adding.

 325-65, 765-45, 220-70, 110-55, 302-51, 543-23, 356-74.
Well done. 
Виконання вправ на дві дії.
 Let’s do the sums on two actions.
Steve had twenty apples he gave twelve apples to his father. How many apples did Steve have then?
Kate found thirty one gryvnas she gave ten to her mother. How many gryvnas left?
I received ten books. I must return eight books. How many books did I have then?
Thanks !

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