середа, 15 квітня 2020 р.

16.04.2020. Завдання з англійської мови для 4 - Д класу

Повторення Present Continuous,Present simple

Present simple и Present continuous: правила использования

Вправа 1. Поставте речення у запитальну та заперечну форму (Present Continious).

1. My brother is wathcing TV now.
2. The pupil is answering the question.
3. I am reading a new book.
4. Jenny is playing a guitar.
5. They are having fun in the yard.
6. Jack is taking a pen and writing new words in the text book.
7. She is walking in the park.
8. Ann is talking with her mother.
Повторення теми "Місяці"

Dear children, please answer my questions: Дай відповідь на запитання.
1. What month it is?
2. How much months are there in a year?
3. What are they?
4. Which month do you like the most and why?

Повторення теми "Опис тварин"

I want to show you the pictures with different animals. You will choose one animal and describe it.

білий заєць
рудий пес

What is your favourite animal?
Do you have any animals at home? If yes, what does it look like?

Повторення теми "Мої родичи", "Професії"

Read the text and answer the questions.

My little brother

I have a brother. His name is Alex. He is five years old and ne goes to the kindergarten.
He has a lot of toys: three balls - yellow, red and blue; two kittens - black and grey; 
four green parrots,a white rabbit, a brown bear and five nice cars.
But Alex does not always play with his toys because he likes to play with me very much. 
His favourite game is hide-and-seek. When he hides under the table he asks me:
"Where do you think I am?"
I say:
"Are you under the sofa?"
"Are you in the box?"
"Try again!"
"You hide so well that I can't find you!"
Then he comes out and says: "Here Iam!" He is very funny!

1. Do you have a sister or a brither? What is his/her name?
2. How many members are there in your family?

Now we will do some simple exercise. You need to fill the gaps with the profession, for example,
 "My father is an engineer". Now you, sentence by sentence with translation:

1. My father is...
2. My mother is...
3. My uncle is...
4. My sister is...
5. My brother is...
6. My aunt is...
7. My grandmother is...
8. My grandfather is...

Повторення теми "Шкільні предмети"

1. What school subjects do you know?
2. Which subject do you like the most? Why?
3. Do you like learning English?
4. Do you want to be a teacher? If yes, what subject do you like to teach?


Поставте речення у запитальну та заперечну форму (Present Simple).

1. My moother works in the office.
2. My friend always goes to school at 8 o'clock.
3. I often go to museum on weekends.
4. Ann and Sam play the piano well.
5. Her father goes home after work at 7 o'clock.
6. I brush my teeth every day.
7. We usually go to the theatre on Sunday.
8. My friend writes poems.

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