четвер, 16 квітня 2020 р.

17.04.2020. Завдання з англійської мови для 4- Д класу.
Look at the video and repeat

Reading( прочитай)
Let’s read and check up. 

Mr. Brown.
    Mr. Brown lives in London. He is a police officer. At home Mr. Brown usually wears a shirt, a jacket, trousers, socks and shoes. But when he goes to work, he puts on his police uniform. When it is cold he puts on his sweater. It keeps him warm during his night duties. He also puts his boots and his belt on. The boots and the belt are made of leather. Then he puts on a police jacket or a raincoat and takes his police cap. When Mr. Brown comes home from work he always changes his clothes and puts his uniform into the wardrobe.
Post- reading
Do you remember what he puts on. Then write if the statements are true of false.
   Read the text and write true or false.( правда чи не правда)(Напиши тільки номер і літеру)
1/ The officer’s name is Mr. Small.  ____
2/ He lives in Great Britain. ____
3/ At work Mr. Brown wears his school uniform. ____
4/ At home he usually puts on a short and trousers. ____
5/ In cold weather he wears a coat. ____
6/ He always puts on his boots. ____
7/ Mr. Brown has got a leather belt. ____
8/ On duties he usually wears a police sweater and a cap. ____
9/ He sometimes wears a raincoat. ____
10/ At home Mr. Brown takes his work clothes off. ____
11/ He keeps his clothes in the kitchen. ____
Вправа допиши речення ( письмово)
I like to wear…
In winter I wear….
In summer I put on…
In autumn I wear…
In spring I put on…



 GLS         BLSE      AT       IRT

 JS     JACT      ST     ERS

 DRE         SHS     TROUS  T-

Read and answer the questions. (прочитай ,дай відповіді на запитання письмово у такій формі 1-с)
Hi! My name's Ellie. I‘m from Britain .It isn't cold. I wear a sweatshirt, a jacket and trainers.
Hi! My name's Kathy. I'm from Australia. Right now it's hot and sunny in Australia. I wear shorts and a T-shirt.
Hello! My name's Sasha. I'm from Belarus. It's very cold in winter. It snows! I wear a coat, a scarf and a hat.
Hello! My name's Tim. I'm from Texas, USA. It's warm in winter. I wear jeans and a sweater.
1. Who wears jeans and a sweater in winter?
a) Kathy b) Sasha c) Tim
2. Who wears a jacket in winter?
a) Kathy b) Ellie  c)  Tim
3. What's the weather like in Australia now?
a) hot b) very cold c) not cold
4. What's the weather like in Belarus in winter?
a) warm b) very cold  c) not cold
5. What does Tim wear in winter?
a) shorts b) a sweater c) a scarf
6. What does Sasha wear in winter?
a) shorts b) a jacket c) a coat

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