середа, 22 квітня 2020 р.

23.04.2020.Pace Woork
                                                                      Тема: Карта  Іспанії.
In this lesson we will learn about the map of Spain.
Let’s review the sound [əu]
    Repeat :
1.go, note, rese, so, no, smoke, tone; 
2.Home is home. Be it ever so homely.
Make up the sentences with these words.
repeat the words
A capital
A map
A city
Now write down these words in your vocabularies.
Make up the sentences with these words.
Now let’s read and translate the text. While reading underline the new words.
       The missionary showed us a map of the world. Then he showed us where Spain is on the map.
       Spain has water around it on three sides. Spain has high mountains also. Very high mountains are on the north side. With a pointer the missionary showed the very high mountains on the north side of Spain. To the north are high mountains. To the east, west, and south is water. 
      Maps show us pictures of countries. We can see the land of Spain. We can see the water around it on three sides. When we went back to our Learning Center, I wanted to find the country of Spain on the globe. I showed the country of Spain to my friends.
      When we read in our books about other countries, we can find those countries on the globe. I am thankful we can learn about other countries from maps, globes, and books. 
fill in the blanks.
Spain has water on … sides.
On the … side of Spain are mountains.
To the east, west, and south is…
… show us pictures of countries.
T: make up the questions to the text. You have 2 minutes. Who is ready?
Now, try to retell the text by two sentences.

Thank you!

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