четвер, 23 квітня 2020 р.

24.04.2020. Завдання з англійської мови для 4-Д класу
At first let us remember what is Present Simple and how it is formed.Present Simple describes the action that repeats or takes place usually. It can be a habbit, a daily event, a hobby or something you do often.
Present Simple has its own formula:[VERB] + s/es in third person
Пояснення до формули:

Теперішній час в англійській мові формується за допомогою дієслова у першій, другій або третій формі. Якщо дієслово стоїть у третій формі, до нього додається закінчення s/es.

Мапа використання часу Present Simple Tense

Present Simple Tense is used in several cases.

1. If the action repeats or happens usually.


I go to school every morning.
She gets up at 8 o'clock and goes to the office.
My mother cooks pies on Sundays.


2. If is a fact or generalization.


London is a capital of Great Britain.
I am a pupil of the fourth form.
Dogs like meat.


3. If it is a planned event in the future.


The lesson begins at 9 o'clock.
The train comes tomorrow at 11 AM.
The show ends at 20 o'clock.


4. If you need to describe an action that is happening now (with non-continious verbs).
He is there now.
I don't need your help now.
She has money in her pocket.


Let's do some exercises to revise how Present Simple is used.
Виконання вправ
 Choose the right variant of answer.(Present Simple письмово)

1. I ____ to play tennis.
don't like
doesn't like

2. He _____ at 8 o'clock.
go to sleep
doesn't goes
doesn't go

3. My parents ______ in the office.
doesn't work

4. She ______ to school every day.

5. My sister and I _____ in the yard.
doesn't play

Read and translate the dialog.( Прочитай та переклади усно)
 Hello, what is your name?
- Hi, my name is Ann.
- Do you go to school?
- Yes, I go to school every morning.
- What do you usually do in the morning?
- I get up at 7 o'clock, wash, dress, do my morning exercises and go to school.
- Do you often have breakfast before school?
- Sometimes. But I usually have my breakfast at school with my classmates.
- Do you like to walk in the park after school?
- No, I don't. I often draw or listen to the music after school.
- When do you do your homework?
- I always do my homework in the evening. If I have time I watch TV or play with my little sister. Then I go to bed.
 Theme Progress Check- виконуємо в книжках та відправляємо фото)
 a) Review the rule  p44  ( Повтори правило)
 b) Exercise  6,p.55 
 Choose the correct item ( Вибери правильний варіант)
2.Present Simple
 a) Review the rule  p.46( повтори правило)
   b) Exercise 7,p.55
    Write the third –person singular ( 3 особа однини)
с) Exercise 8,p.55 
 Put the words in the right order (   розташуйте слова в правильному   порядку)        
  Thank you !

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