28.04.2020 Завдання з англыйської мови для 4 -Д класу
Theme: People
Skills of Speaking and Use of English
Sing the song
Sing the song
1. Exercise. 1, p. 56. Read the question and the answers (A-C). ( прочитай запитання і дай відповідь)
Which answer best complete the exchange? Why? ( Яка відповідь найкраще підходить і чому?)
2. Exercise. 2, p.56. Read the dialogues (1-3). Complete them with responses by circling the appropriate letter ( A,B or C)( Прочитайте діалоги і дайте правильну відповідь, обвівши відповідну букву A,B,C)
3.Exercise.3b),p. 56. Look at the gaps. What word is missing: noun? verb? preposition? adjective? Choose the word that best completes each gap.( Подивіться на пропуски. Яке слово пропущено: іменник, дієслово, прийменник, прикметник? Вибери слово, яке найкраще заповнить пропуск)
Прочитай оповідання і виконай завдання.
My name is Mike. I am from Great Britain . I am a pupil. I am ten. I have got a friend. His name is Nick. Nick has got a family. He has got a mother, a father, a sister and a brother.
His mother is a doctor. Her name is Kate. She loves her family.
His father is an engineer. His name is Bill. He likes to play with his sons and his daughter. He loves his family.
Nick is a pupil. He likes to play with his computer. He wants to be an engineer.
His brother Tom is a pupil. He doesn’t want to an engineer. Tom wants to be a driver.
His sister Pam is not a pupil. She likes to play with her brothers.
Nick, Tom and Pam have got a cat. Her name is Sally. Sally likes to play with Pam but she doesn’t like to play with Tom and Nick.
I like Nick and his family.
. Відміть правильну відповідь.( запиши лише номер і літеру 1-b)
1. Mike is from …
a) Africa
b) Great Britain
c) America
2. He is …
a) ten
b) seven
c) nine
3. Nick is …
a) his brother
b) his friend
c) his uncle
4. Nick has got …
a) a mother, a father and a brother
b) a mother, a father and a sister
c) a mother, a father, a sister and a brother
5. His mother is …
a) a doctor
b)a teacher
c) an engineer
6. His father is …
a) a driver
b) an engineer
c) a pilot
7. Nick likes to play …
a) with his dog
b) with his computer
c) with his toys
8. Nick wants to be …
a) a pilot
b) a doctor
c) an engineer
9. Tom wants to be …
a) a driver
b) an engineer
c) a worker
10. Sally is …
a) a dog
b) a cat
c) a kitten
Знайди відповіді на запитання. Запиши лише номер і відповідь(1-He is from Great Britain)
1. Where is Mike from? Yes, he is.
2. Who is Nick? She is a doctor.
3. Has Nick got a sister and a brother? No, they haven’t.
4. What is his mother? He wants to be an engineer.
5. What is his father? No, she doesn’t.
6. Is Nick a pupil? He likes to play with his
7. What does he want to be? Nick is his friend.
8. What does he like to do? No, she isn’t.
9. Is Pam a pupil? He is from Great Britain .
10. What does she like to do? Yes, he has.
11. Have they got a dog? He is an engineer.
12. Does sally like to play with Nick She likes to play with her
and Tom? brothers.
Exercise.4,p.56 Read the text . Complete the gaps with the appropriate expressions (1-3) , by circling A,B or C.( Заповніть пропуски відповідними виразами, обвівши відповідну букву: A,B,C, )
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