вівторок, 19 травня 2020 р.

20.05.2020 Pace WorkGroup Of Africa Animals Standing On The Ground Фотография ...

Тема: Тваринний світ.
In this lesson we will learn about animals.
Let’s review the sound [p]
    Repeat :
            A pet, to put, a pen, a problem, a pencil, a power, a pilot, a pillow.
Make up the sentences with these words.
Pre-reading activities:
T: repeat the words after me:
A giraffe
A chicken
A dog
A spider
A lion
A monkey
T: Now write down these words in your vocabularies.
Make up the sentences with these words.
 Now let’s read and translate the text. While reading underline the new words.
There are two types of animals.
We know wild animals. They are those that live in the woods, jungles and in the fields. They are: foxes, tigers, wolves, elephants, hares and so on.
And there are animals that live near the people. They are called domestic animals. And some of them even help people. Horses, bulls, dogs help people a lot. Domestic animals are cows, cats, sheep and so on.
Many years ago when there were no cars and trucks people used horses and bulls working in the fields. Dogs are our great friends but they also guard our houses and they are used in the army and by the police. Cats catch mice and rats. As for other domestic animals they are also very useful. Hens, ducks, geese, turkeys give meat and eggs. Cows and goats give milk.
It should be said that both wild and domestic animals can be good actors and we can see them in the circus. There are animal-trainers that train a certain kind of animals.
 I. Answer the following questions:
Where do animals live?
Name animals that live near the people.
Who helps people?
Have you got a pet?
T: fill in the crossword.
Thank you!

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