середа, 20 травня 2020 р.

21.05.2020 Pace WorkMeet the insects that are defying the plunge in biodiversity – new ...

Тема: Комахи.
Today we will learn about insects.
 review Sound /Λ/. Repeat the words 
To run, a sun, a fun.
     I like to run
      I like to run
      Out in the sun
      It’s such a fun
      To run, to run
      Repeat the words 
божа корівка-lady-bird
жук-beetleList of Insects: 25 Useful Insect Names with Pictures and Examples ...
Pre-reading activities.
 make up the sentences with the new words.
 Let’s read and translate the text. While reading underline the new words.
An insect is a creature without a backbone and with a body divided into three main parts: the head, thorax and abdomen.
Most insects have three pairs of legs and one or two pairs of wings. The 'feelers' or antennae on the insect's head are it sense of touch and smell. Some insects have a sting in the abdomen.
We already know that there are over a million different kinds of insects, and many new species are being found all the time.
Insects are by far the biggest group of creatures on Earth. Just think how many animals, birds, reptiles and fish feed on this endless supply of insects all over the world.
 Answer my questions.
-What is this text about?
-Where do the insects live?
-What are they doing on picnic?
Thank You!

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