понеділок, 4 травня 2020 р.

5.05.2020Pace Work

Тема:  Типи речення.
 Today we will learn about the types of sentences.
    II.          let’s review the sounds  [v] , [w]
            Play a game. A table on the board.
                                   1                                         2
                                   vet                                    wet
                                   van                                  when
                                   vine                                 wine
                                   very                                weary
                                   village                             Willy
                                   veil                                 whale
The 4 English Sentence Types | Grammar | EnglishClub
 There 4 types of the sentences. 
Declarative Sentence – “I love chocolate.” Used to make a simple statement. Most sentences are declarative.
  • Exclamatory Sentence – “I need chocolate!” Used for emphasis and emotion.
  • Command - “Please buy me some chocolate.” Used for commands
Виконання вправ.

Read each sentence and add the correct punctuation mark(s). Then, write the statement, question or exclamation on the line. 
1. Are you feeling well today __ _____________________
2. Papa made homemade cookies ___ _____________________
3. Jimmy's team won __ _____________________
4. When is your birthday ___ _____________________
5. Is this your new television ___ _____________________
6. Wow! Look at the fireworks ___ _____________________
7. It rained all day long ___ _____________________
8. Have you met my friend Julie ___ _____________________
9. I want to have a bowl of soup for lunch ___ _____________________
10. Can you make it to my birthday party ___ _____________________
11. Ouch ___ _____________________
12. Isn't this a beautiful night ___ _____________________
13. That’s a very gentle pony ___ _____________________
14. Happy New Year ___ _____________________
15. Sara ate a slice of pizza for lunch ___ _____________________

Well done!

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