понеділок, 4 травня 2020 р.

Hello Hi GIF - Hello Hi Greeting - Discover & Share GIFs
Завдання з англійської мови для 4-Д класу.

Watch the video

Watch the video and repeat.

Ex.1 p.25 – Fill in the gaps with the words from the list
(заповни пропуски словами зі списку)

Ex.2 p.25 – Circle the odd word out (викресли зайве слово)

Watch the video and review the parts of the body (подивись відео та повторичастини тіла)

Ex.3 p.25 – Label the parts of the body. (познач частини тіла)

Review the table.
English Exercises: Wh-questions
Watch the video

What? Where? When?
  1. Complete the questions with the question words.(письмово)
1) ____________ games do you like to play?
2) ____________ is my pencil?
3) ____________ do you wake up?
4) ____________ do you walk in the evening?
5) ____________ is her name?
6) ____________ time is it?
7) ____________ books does he like to read?

Make up questions.(письмово)
1) do/where/go/you/every day?
2) they/ play/hockey/do/when?
3) do/like/you/animal/what?
4) come home/you/do/when?
5) where/live/does/she?

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