Monday, the sixth of June

Write the plural forms of these special nouns.
1. I can see two (fish) ______________ in the fish tank.
2. How many (child) ______________ are there in the school yard?
3. We still need three more forks and (knife) ______________ for our dinner guests.
4. Many trees lose their (leaf) ______________ in the fall.
5. Many (deer) ______________ live in that forest.
6. Sharks can grow thousands of (tooth) ______________ in a lifetime.
7. What is the population of Mexico? How many (person) ______________ live there?
8. Cats like to catch (mouse) ______________.
9. I really want to sit down. My (foot) ______________ are killing me!
10. (Octopus) ______________ have eight arms and live in the sea.
11. There are lots of ducks and (goose) ______________ in this park.
12. The policeman followed the three (man) ______________ out of the bank.
13. Many husbands and (wife) ______________ eat at restaurants on Valentine’s Day.
14. (Wolf) ______________ look very much like large dogs.
15. Farmer Brown has lots of (sheep) ______________.
16. How many (woman) ______________ work in your office?
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