пʼятниця, 24 квітня 2020 р.

27.04.2020  Pace WORK

In this lesson we will learn about the hundreds, tens and ones.
Review the sound [ f ]. Repeat all together.
A flag
A flat
A frog
A farmer
Make up the sentences with these words.
The Ukrainian flag.
A comfortable flat….
Place Value

It is all about Place Value !
When we write numbers, the position (or "place") of each digit
is important. In the number 327:
the "7" is in the Ones position, meaning just 7 (or 7 "1"s),
the "2" is in the Tens position meaning 2 tens (or twenty),
and the "3" is in the Hundreds position, meaning 3 hundreds.
Place Value.

let’s do sums.
Write the numbers. Write how many hundreds, tens, ones.

Well done.

let’s play a game.
Divide into pairs. And do the sums for a time. Your task is to do the sums. One person does it another person notes the time. The pair who will be the first is a winner.
I will give you a list of sums.


Well done! 
let’s do the sums.
Write the numbers in expanded form.
Well done!

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