пʼятниця, 24 квітня 2020 р.

27.04.2020 Завдання з англійської мови для 4 -Д класу
Sing a Song

Read the text 
                                         LIZ AND SAMMY

    Liz has got a little grey kitten. Her name is Sammy. Sammy is a very nice and funny and Liz loves her kitten very much.
    Liz has got many toys: dolls, balls, monkeys, elephants, crocodiles, tigers, cats and dogs. Sammy likes to play with the toys. She likes to play hide-and-seek, too.
    One day Liz comes home, but she doesn’t see Sammy. Sammy is not near the table, she is not on the chair, she is not in the box. Sammy is under the sofa. She wants to play hide-and-seek with Liz.
    It’s fun to play hide-and-seek but Luz doesn’t want to play this game. She gives Sammy a little yellow ball to play with. It’s fun to play the ball, too.

    І. Відміть правильну відповідь.(письмово)
       1. Liz has got …
           a) a puppy
           b) a kitten
           c) a cat
       2. Sammy is …
           a) white
           b) black and white
           c) grey
       3. Liz has got many …
           a) toys
           b) boxes
           c) friends
       4. Sammy likes to play …
           a) leap-frog
           b) tag
           c) hide-and-seek
       5. One day Liz comes home, but she doesn’t see …
           a) her ball
           b) Sammy
           c) her doll
       6. Sammy is …
           a) under the sofa
           b) in the box
           c) near the table
       7. Liz doesn’t want to play …
           a) with a ball
           b) hide-and-seek
           c) hopscotch
       8. She gives Sammy …
           a) a ball
           b) a doll
           c) a monkey
    II. Відміть твердження, які відповідають змісту оповідання ( True or Falce правда чи ні речення не переписуй тільки відповідь).
1.    Liz has got a little black kitten.
2.    Sammy is very nice and funny.
3.    Liz loves Sammy very much.
4.    Liz hasn’t got many toys.
5.    Sammy doesn’t like to play with the toys.
6.    Sammy likes to play hide-and-seek.
7.    One day Liz comes home, but she doesn’t see Sammy.
8.    Sammy is in the box.
9.    Sammy is under the sofa.
10. She gives Sammy a ball to play with.

     Знайди правильний варіант закінчення наступних речень (ПИСЬМОВО)
       1. Liz has got a little …                                                toys.
       2. Her name is …                                                          the box.
       3. Sammy is very nice and …                                       Sammy.
       4. Liz has got many …                                                  hide-and-seek.
5. Sammy likes to play …                                             ball.
6. One day Liz comes home, but she doesn’t see …    funny.
7. Sammy is not near the table, she is not on the
    chair, she is not in …                                                 Liz.
8. Sammy is under …                                                    grey kitten.
9. She wants to play hide-and-seek with …                  a little yellow ball.
10. Liz doesn’t want …                                                 the sofa.
11. She gives Sammy …                                               her kitten.
12. It’s fun to play with …                                            to play hide-and-seek.


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