четвер, 21 травня 2020 р.

HELLO MY FRIEND FRIDAY SO GLAD TO SEE YOU ! - Happy Minion | Make ...22.05.2020. Завдання з англійської мови для 4-Д класу

   Обери правильно написане речення вживаючи am going / is going / are going (Знайди помилки)

·       My teacher are going to meet me.
·       He is going to read a book.
·       I are going to put my bed.
·       Steve is going to trevel by car.
·       I am going to play a game.
·       We am going to wear jeans.
·       You are going to buy a new uniform.
·       She is going to get up early.

Обери варіант де правильно вжито at”,”on”,”it”(Знайди помилки)

·       We do sums in Maths.
·       She phones me in the night.
·       We have a test on Maths.
·       I go to school at 8 o’clock.
·       Steve goes to school in the Monday morning.
·       We watch TV in the evening.
·       I have got Maths on Tuesday.

     Обери речення в якому правильно вжито Present Simple Tense?

·       We lives in Pryluky.
·       We is living in Pryluky.
·       We live in Pryluky.

4.     В якому рядку правильно побудоване речення? capital/of/is/Kyiv/the/Ukraine.

·       Ukraine the capital is of Kyiv.
·       Capital is the Kyiv of Ukraine.
·       Kyiv is the of capital Ukraine.
·       Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
Обери правильний варіант.

·       There are some apples.
·       There are some carrots.
·       There is a glass of milk.
·       There is an egg.
·       There are some meat.
·       There is a banana.
·       There are some potatoes.
Чи правильно на малюнку вжито ступінь порівняння прикметників?

·       Так
·       Ні
·       Не знаю

7.     Котру годину показує годинник?
·       It’s half past two.
·       It’s a quarter past two.
·       It’s a half to two.
·       It’s a quarter to two
Обери речення в якому правильно вжито Present Continuous Tense?
·       I am drive a bumber car.
·       He is riding a bike.
·       Sue and Molly is dancing with a pirate.
·       I am reading a book.
·       Tom and Steve are watching TV.
12.  Обери речення в якому правильно вжито Past Simple Tense?
·       I  help my mother yesterday.
·       They were at school last week.
·       Tom went to the village two weeks ago.
·       He goes home.
·       My friend watched TV last evening.

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